Research Experiences for Teachers in Physics

General RET Information

The Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program at BYU is designed to give secondary physics and physical science teachers an opportunity to participate in a summer research experience. The intent is to give these teachers an opportunity to enliven their teaching for their students by receiving hands-on experiences they can transfer to classroom instruction and laboratory examples.

Past participants in the program have been very positive about how their participation has sharpened their own skills and given energy and relevance to their teaching.

The RET program is closely coupled to the concurrent Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program described under other links. You can go to the “Projects” link for descriptions of the various projects you could be involved in. The RET program differs from the REU program mainly in the amount of stipend offered to participating teachers, discussions about how to integrate the summer research experience into classroom instruction, and the availability of laboratory equipment for participating teachers to bring back to their classrooms.


The application website link and deadline is found on the home page of this website. Letters of recommendation are uploaded via the application website. We will notify you of acceptance within a month of the application deadline.

Period of Program

The RET program runs for 10 weeks during the same time period as the REU program; see the home page for specific dates. Although we recognize that some teachers might have scheduling conflicts due to their districts’ academic schedules, it has been our observation that teachers have the best experience if they can participate in the program for the full 10 weeks. However, we can often be a little flexible with start or end dates if needed to accommodate individual circumstances, provided that the modified schedule also works for your selected research advisor.


Travel costs for participants coming from out of the area or out of state are covered for participants in the program. If participants choose to drive rather than fly, they can be reimbursed for their travel up to the amount of equivalent round-trip airfare.

Stipends and Housing

All RET participants will be given a stipend equivalent to 10-weeks of their regular academic year salary, but possibly with a cap for especially highly paid teachers due to the limitations of our NSF funding. 

In addition to the main participation stipend, out-of-the-area RET participants will also receive a $1,500 housing stipend to help pay for the cost of room and board while participating in the program. (If a participant incurs additional costs, for example due to bringing a spouse or other family members with them, they will need to cover the extra cost themselves.)

Research Projects

Participants will be involved in a research project agreed upon with their faculty advisor and the REU/RET program administrator. For project descriptions, click the “Projects” tab.

Continuing Education Credits

Eligible participants can also receive BYU graduate credit for their participation in this program. The cost of tuition and fees is covered as part of the grant.

Laboratory Equipment Grant

We are anxious for participating teachers to be able to apply what they have learned from their summer research experiences to their classrooms when they return. One way we will help you integrate your summer experience into your instruction is to provide a $1,500 grant for equipment and supplies to be used in your classroom after the RET program is completed. The equipment will be chosen by you in consultation with your faculty advisor and the RET administrator.

If you still have questions, please email us at